EA Desktop or Origin being stuck in offline mode or not updating itself.Those issues include, but aren’t limited to: Clearing your cache can help fix common issues. Sometimes things don’t work quite right with EA Desktop, Origin, or your games. The US Marines didn't start to get their sh&t together until the first quarter of the 20th century, this is where they started to develop their legendary history.If you’re having problems with your games, try clearing your device’s cache to help fix a few different issues. I think the game depicts them fairly accurate.

They where raiders.really that's all, BUT they where very instrumental as sharpshooters for the US Navy in their engagements and did help seize a few ships. They only participated in a few engagements in the time, The Battle for Nassau, Princeton, and Trenton and where disbanded in 1783.

The make up was of drunks, ruffians, criminals, thugs, who where "men of the earth" hunters and farmers who knew how to handle firearms but where more adept for raids rather then large field fights. In the end they had maybe 2000 men total, but where spread out throughout ships. Remember, only 2 Battalions where authorized on Nov 10, 1775. British Royal Marines where far better line for line.

In the time period the Continental Marines where not as good as their counterparts in a line for line fight. considering that in the vanilla version, only the US have marines, i think that when all western nations have marines in this mod, it is it is reasonable to highlight that the US marines are special? i was wondering if there is a reason for it. Both the continental and regular US marines have lower stats and other nations.